Noderīgi! 13 veidi, kā nemanāmi nosnausties ofisā vai skolā
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okay, i’ve been thinking about this for a while, and for now, i think i’d love to see some more nut free, or nut free opionts for the snack foods. this is a hard one for me, because i bake alot with nuts for the kids to eat at home, but as you know, we can’t do any sort of nut product for school lunches/snacks. i can usually sub stuff like hemp seeds or sunflower seeds in, except for when the snack is totally nut oriented.. like your super yummy Totally Nutty Bars (which we make for home snacks all the time!). but soon my son will be in school full days (ack!!!!) and i’ll have to send even more nut free snacks. but i still want them to have that protein punch too, so help?!?!more hemp product recipes would be good, and coconut oil recipes too. of course, being super busy as we moms are, anything that’s quick to make with minimal dishes to wash (by hand! i SO need a dishwasher!) is GREAT!i love the whole grain, no refined sugars, healthy oils, etc approach. of course, that has to stay the same! pictures would be nice, but i’m also happy seeing the pictures online too. perhaps you should put your blog addy in the cookbook, so people know where to go for help if needed? i personally love “knowing” the chef LOL.
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AFFAIR??Hah! That’s a real knee-slapper.If Lucy were down here, she’d agree with me. An affair doesn’t mean squat. Right, Eleanor?ELEANOR! Don’t look at me like that Eleanor…even if you don’t have any eyeballs.
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